I was pleased to be asked to participate in the KMA's Eye to I exhibition in commenting on Jonathan Becker's photograph Saturday Night Live in Elaine's Kitchen. 

From the KMA Website:

Do you see what I see? Probably not.

The exhibition Eye to I … 3,000 Years of Portraits is based on the premise that no two people respond to an artwork in the same way. Portraits, in particular, stimulate emotional, intellectual, and physiological reactions. As our catalogue essayist Dr. Eric Kandel has discovered in his research on the intersection of neuroscience and art, “Our brain devotes more space to reading the details of faces than to any other object.

This exhibition offers an interactive approach to viewing art. Over 120 contributors—from a U.S. poet laureate to a local police chief—share their personal responses to the portraits on display. Please add your own interpretations and stories; every comment contributes value to the conversation.

Our definition of portraiture is an inclusive one. Eye to I presents a broad artistic sampling of cultures, media, and creative approaches, dating from the first century BC to the present. We hope your connections to the artworks are enriched and even challenged through personal discoveries and the insights provided by others.

Nancy Hitchcock, Ellen Keiter, and Yvonne Pollack


The Katonah Museum of Art continues to bring outstanding art exhibitions to our local community. 

AuthorSteel Swift