A gorgeous new addition has not only been made to Denmark's ARoS Aahus Art Museum, but also to the city's skyline. Artist Olafur Eliasson has created a rainbow "halo like" walkway that rests atop the famed museum. This piece, called Your Rainbow Walkway, makes a circular walkway at 500 feet long and 10 feet wide. This type of architecture is rare due to the involvement of different colors and the many different view points of the structure throughout the city. While this work is beautiful to look at from various places in the city, the real treat is when one is inside of the colorful walkway. Visitors can look across the walk way to see others enjoying the wonderful architecture and colorful experience. 

This unique piece ads a new feeling of playfulness to the skyline. The design and creativity of Eliasson's work shows that a little unexpected color in a sea of gray buildings goes a long way. 

Layers of colors can be viewed from inside and outside of the rainbow walkway

Layers of colors can be viewed from inside and outside of the rainbow walkway

Source: http://www.architecturaldigest.com/blogs/a...