Main hall of Fold7 - an ad agency in Clerkenwell, London.
Today we are seeing the workplace evolving rapidly. Many companies are learning that they can actually increase the number of sales and save money by simply giving their employees the option of working from home. For years the typical office layout was designed with rows and rows of individual cubicles. The employers are beginning to realize that their employees are finding it difficult to get motivated when they're confined to a small, claustrophobic work area for eight hours a day, five days a week. As a result, many companies such as Fold7 have stripped their offices of the cubicles and redesigned a space which they believe will make for a happier workplace!
Main hall of Fold7 - an ad agency in Clerkenwell, London.
Lounge area inside Fold7
Also, many companies have gone as far as putting a restriction on the use of mobile devices during the workday. It is believed that when being in groups and conversations with other employees that is how more creative ideas are started!
We are just in the beginning stages of seeing changes made to the workplace. There will be more and more companies realizing that investing in a new, comfortable space for employees will lead to happier, more motivated and driven employees.